Albany, New Zealand
Kensington Park is an award winning, master planned, and comprehensive development currently under construction in the beachside community of Orewa in North Auckland. Once completed it is expected to house over 1000 people in a mixture of stand-alone houses, terraced apartments and multi-level apartment buildings with a range of communal facilities.
The development straddles 3 geological settings including beach sands, soft and organic alluvial deposits and steep slopes with recent deep seated instability issues.
CMW staff have provided geotechnical services on this project since 2006, including:
- Geotechnical investigations, ground models, stability analyses and remediation design;
- Supervision of stabilisation works and earthworks;
- Design of foundations for a range of buildings;
- Design input to a range of retaining structures, roads and a stormwater pond.
We are currently overseeing the final phase of earthworks on the development.
The differing geological settings across the site have required a good understanding of their variable implications for the earthworks operations, the infrastructure and the buildings being constructed. The ability to communicate these challenges with the project team to assist in selecting options for the development of the site, has been critical.
Our staff have provided a responsive service to assist the project team through the solution of geotechnical issues, together with the challenges of staging the various works and contracts across the site